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Australian Gold Reagents’ (AGR) Board has made a final investment decision to proceed with the expansion of its sodium cyanide production facility in Kwinana, Western Australia, positioning AGR as one of the world’s largest sodium cyanide producers for the gold mining industry. AGR General Manager Barney Jones said the expansion would enable the business to meet the growing global demand for sodium cyanide for gold mining operations, while delivering on its sustainability goals. “The expansion will increase AGR’s annual sodium cyanide production capacity by over 30 per cent, bringing total sodium cyanide solution capacity to approximately 130,000 tonnes per annum. It also includes an increase in our solids production capacity to facilitate increased exports to our international customers,” Mr Jones […]
Australian Gold Reagents (AGR) is pleased to announce it has received next stage funding approval from its Board to progress plans to expand the capacity of its sodium cyanide plant.
Our vision is to contribute to the success of our customers with an uncompromising focus on people, safety and the environment.
A significant expansion of AGR’s sodium cyanide plant is being planned for construction in Kwinana, Western Australia.
AGR is pleased to invite our customers to attend the 2021 ‘Gold Processing for Non-Metallurgists’ workshop, which AGR hosts as part of its ongoing sponsorship of the P420G project, coordinated by AMIRA International.
The Western Australian Government announced yesterday that the Perth metropolitan, Peel and Southwest regions will be in a 5-day lockdown from 6pm Sunday 31 January 2021 until 6pm Friday 5 February 2021.
AGR ICMI Transport Recertification Audit and Transport Management Plan Audit As part of our International Cyanide Management Code (ICMI) certification, AGR are committed to improving the safety and standards for cyanide management. This year AGR has been involved in two major Audits against our WA Supply Chain Operations. Transport Management Plan Audit – February 2019 The Transport Management Plan (TMP) Audit is conducted every two years by an independent external auditor as required by the WA Ministerial which allows AGR to move cyanide throughout WA. This audit reviewed and verified AGR’s transport management obligations and requirements as directed via the Transport Management Plan Document held by AGR. The Audit was completed by Michael Sputore & Associates Pty Ltd over a five day period […]